Rabu, 29 Maret 2017

I Can't Imagine Life Without Water

I can not imagine life without water. Why I can not imagine living without water? Since water is the most important thing in doing things like making food, drink, toiletries, fire fighting and other important matters. Also in the human body also needs water, because most organs of the human body comes from water. And imagine if you just try to live without water.

We're going to take a shower without the water, brushing teeth just use toothpaste, coffee drinking only coffee and sugar, to swim not using water and cook food no water. I can not imagine it to be, water is the source of human life, if people do not eat humans can survive by drinking water, and if no water is also the man can not survive

At its essence of human life can not be far from where it had been in the water as explained in [QS. An-Mukminun: 18]: "And we send down water from the sky in size; then we water make it settle on earth, and We really powerful eliminate"

It was explained earlier that the water is always inseparable from human life daily. Humans and other living beings could not live without water. Water can be used even required to maintain the survival of living beings on earth.

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